Romanian Women Voices in North America - a virtual literary Partnership between the Romanian Cultural Institute of New York & Bucharest Inside The Beltway, 2020-2021.
Please click for more information about the Romanian Cultural Institute of New York. All authors who participated in this series are pictured below and listed here: Amanda L. Andrei, Alina Celia Cumpan, Doris Plantus, Adriana Oniță, Clara Burghelea, Felicia Mihali, Claudia Serea, Cristina A. Bejan, Stella Radulescu, Saviana Stanescu, Diana Manole, Domnica Radulescu, Carmen Bugan, Angela Chirila, Adela Sinclair, Elena Secota, Adina Dabija, Mihaela Moscaliuc, Raluca Albu, Lucia Cherciu, Andreea Iulia Scridon, Irina Moga, Anca Mizumschi, Roxana Cazan, Alina Stefanescu, Alta Ifland, and Daniela Groza.